32nd GCC
32nd Grand Council Convention
Atlanta, Georgia
Saturday-Monday, December 28-30, 1963
Host Hotel: Dinkler Plaza Hotel
Attendance: Total Attendance: 176
165 Brothers, 11 Guests
64 Chapters (47 Collegiate & 17 Graduate), 9 Provinces
Convention Summary
The 32nd Grand Council Convention of Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity was held at the Dinkler Plaza Hotel in Atlanta, Georgia, December 28-30,1963, with Grand Regent Herman C. Forslund presiding, This convention marked the Eighty-Fourth Anniversary of the founding of Kappa Psi and was the first time that the Fraternity had convened in Atlanta since the 1916 Grand Council Convention. There were one-hundred-sixty-five delegates and eleven guests registered. Forty-seven collegiate chapters, seventeen graduate chapters, and nine provinces had delegates in attendance. The fine program was unusual because of the broad participation by the members of many chapters. There were four major papers presented by representatives of graduate chapters and two series of papers presented by members of collegiate chapters. In addition, there were three panel discussions, each with representatives of four chapters participating. Of particular importance was the exemplification of the ritualistic work by Grand Ritualist John W. Martin and the members of Mu Chapter.
The report of the legislative committee which was presented at this convention contained a great number of items which had been approved by the Executive Committee during the two year period since the last Grand Council Convention in 1961. Among the more important items which were discussed and approved by the delegates were (1) rules and regulations relating to the expenses of Grand Officers and others on official business of the Fraternity; (2) the efforts of a special committee to obtain the services of a Grand Secretary-Treasurer to replace Grand Secretary-Treasurer Frank H. Eby, who plans on retirement from the office December 1964; (3) the publication of a supply of constitutions; (4) the specific rules and regulations pertaining to graduate chapters; (5) a $10 fine for each absence of a delegate from a session of the grand council convention unless prevented by illness. The committee report also showed that two amendments to the Constitution had been approved by mail ballot in August 1963 as follows: (1) designating the Grand Secretary-Treasurer an appointive office, the appointment to be made by the Executive Committee and (2) defining the duties of the Province Supervisor in greater detail.
Two amendments to the Constitution were approved as submitted by the Legislative Committee: (1) the Grand Council initiation fee for members initiated by collegiate and graduate chapters will be twenty-five dollars ($25) and (2) the Grand Council dues (per capita fee) will be four dollars ($4) per semester. The amount of the Grand Council dues set aside for the convention fund was not changed.
Highlights of the convention were: (a) the address by Brother Kenneth L. Waters, Dean of the University of Georgia School of Pharmacy and the presentation of the fraternity's Certificate of Appreciation to Dean Waters at the Anniversary Dinner; (b) the sightseeing tour of Atlanta and a visit to the famous Atlanta Cyclorama; (c) the Anniversary Dinner and entertainment.
Grand Officers Elected
Grand Regent: Glen J. Sperandio
First Grand Vice Regent: Walter R. Williams
Second Grand Vice Regent: Wallace L. Guess
Third Grand Vice Regent: James P. Vacik
Grand Historian: Leo A. Sciuchetti
Grand Ritualist: Richard M. Doughty
Grand Counselor: Gerald C. Henney