33rd GCC

33rd Grand Council Convention

San Francisco, California
Monday-Thursday, December 27-30, 1965

Host Hotel: Sheraton Palace Hotel

Attendance: Total Attendance: 189

173 Brothers, 16 Guests
66 Chapters (52 Collegiate & 14 Graduate), 11 Provinces

Convention Program

Convention Summary

The 33rd Grand Council Convention of Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity was held at the Sheraton Palace Hotel in San Francisco, California, December 27-30, 1965, with Grand Regent Glen J. Sperandio presiding. This was the first time in the history of the Fraternity that a Grand Council Convention was held on the west coast of the United States. There were one-hundred-seventy-three delegates and sixteen guests registered. Fifty-two collegiate chapters, fourteen graduate chapters and eleven provinces were represented by official delegates and proxies.

The convention program included seven general sessions, a luncheon, a sight seeing tour of San Francisco and the Eighty-Sixth Anniversary Dinner. In addition to the reports of the Grand Officers and Chairmen of committees, there were addresses by four prominent speakers: Dean Troy C. Daniels, School of Pharmacy, University of California; Louis Fischl, distinguished California pharmacist and former president of the A.Ph.A.; Glen R. Knotts of the American Medical Association; Dr. Philip Wogaman of the University of the Pacific. Participation in panel discussions by student members and the presentation of papers by student members and others, covering many significant areas, were among the most important items on the program.

A revised Constitution which had been studied previously by the chapters was presented by John Atkinson, Jr., Grand Counselor and Chairman of the Legislative Committee. It was adopted as presented. Among the more important changes in the Constitution, the following may be cited: (1) the Executive Committee was enlarged to eleven members by the addition of the Grand Counselor and one Graduate Member-at-Large who is elected at the Grand Council Convention. The Executive Secretary and the Editor of The Mask were designated ex officio members; (2) the bond of the Executive Secretary was increased to $10,000.00; (3) the areas of responsibility with specific authority was more clearly defined for Grand Offices; (4) criteria for eligibility for national officers were established and the number of Grand Offices for which a member may be eligible on the official ballot was limited to two; (5) a Committee on Finance was authorized and specific duties defined; (6) a Committee on Graduate Relations was authorized and specific duties defined; (7) it authorized the Executive Committee to adopt a uniform Constitution and By-Laws for the chapters with modifications necessary to meet local conditions. It will not be a part of the published national constitution.

The approved report of the Executive Committee included the following significant items: (1) the Grand Regent was authorized to establish two new appointive positions(a) a Coordinator of Graduate Affairs and (b) a Coordinator of Province Activities, with each having specific duties; (2) the time of the meeting of the Grand Council was changed from the week following Christmas to the last week in August, to he effective for the 1967 meeting; (3) a special annual National Scholarship Award which was offered to the Fraternity by the Philadelphia Graduate Chapter was accepted and the Executive Secretary was directed to activate the program; (4) authority was given to the Executive Secretary to microfilm fraternity records; (5) the publication of the history of the Fraternity was authorized and Frank H. Eby was commissioned to compile it.

Highlights of the convention included: (a) the address of Grand Regent Glen J. Sperandio; (b) the address of Troy C. Daniels; (c) the approval of the Educational Loan Fund; (d) the sight seeing tour of San Francisco; (e) the presentation of a plaque to former Grand Secretary-Treasurer Frank H. Eby and Mrs. Eby in recognition of service to the Fraternity; (f) the Anniversary Dinner; (g) the adoption of the revised Constitution of the Fraternity.

Grand Officers and Graduate Member-at-Large Elected

 Grand Regent: Glen J. Sperandio

First Grand Vice Regent: Walter R. Williams

Second Grand Vice Regent: Leo A. Sciuchetti

Third Grand Vice Regent: James C. King

Grand Historian: Norman A. Campbell

Grand Counselor: John Atkinson, Jr.

Grand Ritualist: Richard M. Doughty

Graduate Member-at-Large: Robert R. Auger

Convention Notes

First GCC on the west coast of the United States.



34th GCC


32nd GCC