31st GCC

31st Grand Council Convention

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Thursday-Saturday, December 28-30, 1961

Hosted By: Eta, Beta Omega, Philadelphia Graduate

Host Hotel: Benjamin Franklin Hotel

Attendance: Total Attendance: 250

216 Brothers, 34 Guests
61 Chapters (46 Collegiate & 15 Graduate), 7 Provinces

Convention Program

Convention Summary

The 31st Grand Council Convention of Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity was held at the Benjamin Franklin Hotel in Philadelphia, December 28-30,1961. Grand Regent James R. Thayer presided. There were two-hundred-sixteen delegates and other members, along with thirty-four guests, in attendance. Forty-six collegiate chapters, fifteen graduate chapters, and seven provinces were represented by delegates. Excellent papers of vital interest to fraternity members were presented by Brothers Milton L. Neuroth, George E. Osborne (delivered by Pierre F. Smith), and Raymond J. Dauphinais. Several papers were presented by members of the collegiate chapters and there were two fine panel discussions.

Of the various alterations and amendments to the Constitution which were approved at this convention, the following are most significant: (1) honorary membership will be conferred for outstanding achievement at the national level; (2) balloting for Grand Officers will be done individually in the following order: Grand Regent, First Grand Vice Regent, Second Grand Vice Regent, Third Grand Vice Regent, Grand Secretary-Treasurer, Grand Historian, Grand Counselor and Grand Ritualist, with no ballot being cast for any officer other than that of Grand Regent until the results of the previous ballot have been determined; (3) the Constitution was amended as follows: when the Grand Vice Regents are installed in office, automatically the First Grand Vice Regent will be the Chairman of the Publications Committee, the Second Grand Vice Regent will be the Chairman of the Scholarship Committee and the Third Grand Vice Regent will be the Chairman of the Public Relations Committee; (4) a quorum for a meeting of the Grand Council will be three-fourths (3/4) of its accredited membership registered either in person or by proxy at said meeting; (5) an honorarium for the Grand Secretary-Treasurer was approved with authority granted to the Executive Committee to decide on the amount of the honorarium.

Highlights of the convention included (a) the conferring of Honorary Membership on Dean Linwood F. Tice of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy & Science; (b) the Anniversary Dinner with its outstanding entertainment; (c) the hospitality of three of Philadelphia's leading pharmaceutical manufacturers Smith Kline & French Laboratories, Wyeth Company and Merck Sharp & Dohme.

Grand Officers Elected

 Grand Regent: Herman C. Forslund

First Grand Vice Regent: Glen J. Sperandio

Second Grand Vice Regent: Walter R. Williams

Third Grand Vice Regent: Richard S. Strommen

Grand Secretary-Treasurer: Frank H. Eby

Grand Historian: Robert C. Grieb

Grand Ritualist: John W. Martin

Grand Counselor: Paul M. Scott



32nd GCC


30th GCC