30th GCC

30th Grand Council Convention

Cincinnati, Ohio
Monday-Wednesday, December 28-30, 1959

Hosted By: Beta Phi

Host Hotel: Netherland Hilton Hotel

Attendance: Total Attendance: 158

153 Brothers, 5 Guests
50 Chapters (38 Collegiate & 12 Graduate), 6 Provinces

Convention Program

Convention Summary

The 30th Grand Council Convention of Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity was held at the Netherland Hilton Hotel in Cincinnati, Ohio, December 28-30, 1959. Grand Regent Milton L. Neuroth presided. There were one-hundred-fifty-three registered delegates and other members and five guests in attendance, representing thirty-eight collegiate chapters, twelve graduate chapters and six provinces. There were five busy sessions during which a significant amount of business was conducted and objectives for the future were established. A few of the more important accomplishments were as follows: (1) authority for organizing alumni clubs was granted, where small informal groups are preferred to regular chartered graduate chapters; (2) a special award, possibly a certificate, was approved for use by chapters that wish to reward or cite either a member or a non-member for some special service; (30 special duties were delegated to the Grand Vice Regents as follows: the First Grand Vice Regent will serve as the Chairman of the Publications Committee, the Second Grand Vice Regent will serve as the Chairman of the Scholarship Committee, and the Third Grand Vice Regent will serve as the Chairman of the Public Relations Committee; (4) all chapters will be required to elect officers before the first of April each year; (5) the fine scholarship program was acknowledged, but efforts will be made to improve and enlarge the program in the future; (6) the splendid services of the Grand Council Deputies were recognized and a special resolution to this effect was approved.

Other highlights of the convention included: (a) the outstanding direction of the various convention activities by Grand Regent Milton L. Neuroth; (b) the fine address by the distinguished fraternity leader Dr. Robert W. Bishop, Dean of Men at the University of Cincinnati; (c) the inspiring address by J. Warren Lansdowne, manager of Professional and Trade Relations, Eli Lilly & Company; (d) the Eightieth Anniversary Dinner with special recognition given to Grand Regent Milton L. Neuroth, Grand Secretary-Treasurer Frank H. Eby, and Editor of The Mask Nicholas W. Fenney.

Grand Officers Elected

 Grand Regent: James R. Thayer

First Grand Vice Regent: Herman C. Forslund

Second Grand Vice Regent: Glen J. Sperandio

Third Grand Vice Regent: Pierre F. Smith

Grand Secretary-Treasurer: Frank H. Eby

Grand Historian: Earl T. Brown

Grand Ritualist: John W. Martin

Grand Counselor: John W. Schermerhorn





31st GCC


29th GCC