27th GCC

27th Grand Council Convention

Washington, D.C.
Monday-Wednesday, December 28-30, 1953

Hosted By: Gamma Tau

Host Hotel: Sheraton Park Hotel

Attendance: Total Attendance: 311

259 Brothers, 52 Guests
55 Chapters (43 Collegiate & 12 Graduate), 7 Provinces

Convention Program

Convention Summary

The 27th Grand Council Convention of Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity was held at the Sheraton Park Hotel in Washington, D.C., December 28-30, 1953. Gamma Thu Chapter was the host chapter for the convention which marked the Seventy-Fourth Anniversary of the fraternity's founding. Grand Regent Frank H. Eby presided. The attendance was the highest in the history of Grand Council Conventions, with a registration of two-hundred-fifty-nine delegates and members and fifty-two guests. The delegates represented forty-three collegiate chapters, twelve graduate chapters, and seven provinces. Reports from the Editor of The Mask and from the Chairmen of the Executive, Legislative, and Scholarship Committees indicated the vast amount of work sponsored and accomplished by the Fraternity during the preceding two years. The absence of Grand Secretary-Treasurer Ray S. Kelley, because of illness, was noted as a distinct loss to the convention.

Highlights of the convention included: (a) the sight seeing trip through Washington and the special visit to the Headquarters of the American Pharmaceutical Association; (b) the outstanding work of Gunther K. Kessler and the other members of the convention committee in Washington; (c) the Anniversary Dinner which honored retiring Grand Regent and Mrs. Frank H. Eby; (d) the splendid addresses by President F. Royce Franzoni of the American Pharmaceutical Association and W. Paul Briggs, Executive Director of the Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education, both Kappa Psi brothers.

Grand Officers Elected

 Grand Regent: Nicholas W. Fenney

First Grand Vice Regent: Louis Fischer

Second Grand Vice Regent: Milton L. Neuroth

Third Grand Vice Regent: Herman C. Forslund

Grand Secretary-Treasurer: Ray S. Kelley

Grand Historian: Walter R. Williams

Grand Ritualist: Glen J. Sperandio

Grand Counselor: James R. Thayer



28th GCC


26th GCC