28th GCC
28th Grand Council Convention
Chicago, Illinois
Tuesday-Thursday, December 27-29, 1955
Hosted By: Chi, Chicago Graduate
Host Hotel: Edgewater Beach Hotel
Attendance: Total Attendance: 195
195 Brothers
53 Chapters (41 Collegiate & 12 Graduate), 6 Provinces
Convention Summary
The 28th Grand Council Convention of Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity was held at the Edgewater Beach Hotel in Chicago, December 27-29, 1955. Chi Chapter and the Chicago Graduate Chapter were the hosts. There were one-hundred-ninety-five registered delegates and other members in attendance, including all of the Grand Officers and members of the Executive Committee. Forty-one collegiate chapters, twelve graduate chapters, and six provinces had registered delegates present. The fine report of the convention's presiding officer, Grand Regent Nicholas W. Fenney, and the reports of the other Grand Officers and committee chairmen gave a comprehensive picture of modern Kappa Psi and some of its important objectives for the coming years.
Outstanding features of the convention included: (a) the sight seeing tour of Chicago and the guided tour through the new building of the University of Illinois College of Pharmacy; (b) the delightful luncheon, highlighted by the clever impersonation of "Countess Pulaski's" citing World War II experiences as an international spy; (c) the expert handling of the business sessions by Grand Regent Fenney, the new Editor of The Mask; (d) the first Grand Officers reception; (e) Chicago's wonderful weather all sunshine and no snow.
Grand Officers Elected
Grand Regent: Louis Fischer
First Grand Vice Regent: Milton L. Neuroth
Second Grand Vice Regent: James R. Thayer
Third Grand Vice Regent: Herman C. Forslund
Grand Secretary-Treasurer: Frank H. Eby
Grand Historian: Walter R. Williams
Grand Ritualist: Glen J. Sperandio
Grand Counselor: George L. Webster