25th GCC

25th Grand Council Convention

Richmond, Virginia
Thursday-Saturday, December 29-31, 1949

Hosted By: Theta

Host Hotel: Hotel John Marshall

Attendance: Total Attendance: 135

135 Brothers
42 Chapters (34 Collegiate & 8 Graduate)

Convention Program

Convention Summary

The 25th Grand Council Convention of Kappa Psi was held at the John Marshall Hotel in Richmond, Virginia, December 29-31, 1949. Theta Chapter was the host chapter for one-hundred-thirty-five registered delegates and other members. Grand Regent Frank H. Eby presided with thirty-four of the thirty-nine collegiate chapters and eight of the fifteen graduate chapters represented. The reports of officers and important committees revealed a strong recovering of membership and a wide variety of Kappa Psi activities on many campuses where chapters were located. Dormant chapters were being reactivated and there was great promise of new chapters being installed in the future.

A revised Ritual of Initiation which was authorized by the 1947 Grand Council Convention, was presented for approval at the final business session held December 31. An important change in the "Test Grip" and several other modifications in the Ritual were approved, subject to the final acceptance by the Executive Committee. Publication of a new ritual book was approved.

Highlights of the convention included: (a) the awarding of an Honorary Membership to Justin L. Powers, Editor of the Scientific Edition of the Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association; (b) the exemplification of the Ritual of Initiation in full regalia by members of Theta Chapter; (c) the presentation of a Scroll of Appreciation to Grand Secretary-Treasurer Ray S. Kelley for outstanding services; (d) a wonderful Anniversary Dinner.

Grand Officers Elected

 Grand Regent: Frank H. Eby

First Grand Vice Regent: Louis Fischer

Second Grand Vice Regent: Karl J. Goldner

Third Grand Vice Regent: Milton L. Neuroth

Grand Secretary-Treasurer: Ray S. Kelley

Grand Historian: Nicholas W. Fenney

Grand Ritualist: Ralph W. Clark

Grand Counselor: James R. Thayer



26th GCC


24th GCC