12th GCC
12th Grand Council Convention
Birmingham, Alabama
Thursday-Saturday, November 24-26, 1910
Hosted By: Kappa, Birmingham Graduate
Attendance: Total Attendance: 109
109 Brothers
Convention Summary:
The 12th Grand Council Convention was held in Birmingham, Alabama, November 24-26, 1910. There were forty-four delegates (including Grand Officers) and sixty-five other members in attendance. Kappa Chapter and Birmingham Graduate Chapter were the hosts. A number of innovations and changes in Fraternity procedures were approved with the following being most important: (1) honorary membership for faculty members was changed to facultate membership; (2) a new honorary membership was established, to be conferred only on persons who have performed some outstanding service; (3) an official pledge button was approved; (4) the first Sunday in November will be recognized as Kappa Psi Memorial Day; (5) approval was given to divide the country into six geographical areas known as provinces which will be numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, with a Satrap to preside over each; (6) a $2.00 assessment will be levied on each active member to cover the (a) costs of a membership certificate to be forwarded at graduation and (b) to pay for the member's subscription to The MASK, for the first year following his graduation; (7) the Agora will be published every five years and supplements each year; (8) an Agora Endowment Fund was established; (9) the Ritual will be revised by a committee appointed by the Grand Regent; (10) the Charter Fee for active chapters was doubled and for graduate chapters was increased to $25.00; (11) a salary was voted to the Grand Secretary and Treasurer and that officer was placed under bond; (12) the office of Grand Registrar was established. In addition to the above, three Mask Fund Trustees and three Agora Fund Trustees were elected.
Grand Officers Elected
Grand Regent: Robinette B. Hayes
Grand Vice Regent: Justin F. Grant
Grand Secretary-Treasurer: Preston W. Eldridge, Jr.
Grand Historian-Editor: A. Richard Bliss, Jr.
Grand Registrar: Henry J. Goeckel
Note: Grand Regent Robinette B. Hayes resigned January 16, 1912, and Grand Vice Regent Justin F. Grant was advanced to the office of Grand Regent.