39th GCC
39th Grand Council Convention
"Centennial Celebration"
Scottsdale, Arizona
Sunday-Thursday, August 5-9, 1979
Convention Chairman: Mr. Jerry Shapazian
Hosted By: Gamma Nu, Pacific Graduate
Host Hotel: Camelback Inn
Attendance: Total Attendance: 188
156 Brothers (77 Collegiates & 79 Graduates), 32 Guests
Celebrating its 100th Anniversary, Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity met at Marriott's five-star Camelback Inn in Scottsdale, Arizona for the 39th Grand Council Convention from August 5th through August 9th, hosted by Gamma Nu and the Pacific Graduate Chapter. The Convention Chairman was Mr. Jerry Shapazian (Gamma Nu). The convention was attended by 188 persons (77 collegiate brothers, 79 graduate brothers, 32 guests).
Convention Summary
The convention started on Sunday night with a "Get Acquainted" Pool side Party sponsored by Ernest & Julio Gallo Winery. Introduction of National Officers and Candidates was made at the start of the festivities.
The convention was presided over by Grand Regent William A. Fitzpatrick. Committee reports were given during the First General Session (Monday morning). Dr. Leonard Naeger gave a Grand Historian review of "Kappa Psi, Its first 100 years." Honorary Brother Irv Rubin, Editor of Pharmacy Times, gave a revealing presentation on the need for unification of the pharmacy profession.
The Second General Session in the afternoon included Mr. Robert Henry speaking on "Building a better You" and the report of the Editor of The MASK, Norm Kobayshi. That night, the Brothers had supper at Pinnacles Peak. Those Brothers who wore ties had them snipped off and hung on the wall (a long-standing tradition).
The Third General Session (Tuesday) continued with the second fifty-year segment of the Grand Historian's report, the Executive Director's report, and reference committee reports. A continuing education program was presented, "Monitoring Drug Therapy in the Long-Term Care Facility", by Dr. Pat. Catania and Dr. Bob Supernaw. The Century Club Reception and Dinner was held at 7:30 that evening.
Wednesday was set aside for a day of relaxing and touring. There was both a golf tournament and tennis tournament (for those heat hardy souls), plus the day long bus excursion to the Grand Canyon (which was magnificent). That evening the Brothers were treated to a "Mummy Mountain Western BBQ" at the hotel.
Prior to the fourth general session, Mr. Ted Gladson presented "Merchandising Management" as the second CE program. Several reports were given during the abbreviated morning session.
Thursday afternoon's business consisted of a legislative session followed by election of National Officers and the reports of the workshops. Elections were then held. The evening began with a lavish pool side Alpha Reception and concluded with a dance in the Terrace Room with music by "The American Scene". The 100th Anniversary Banquet was held in the Hotel Ballroom where the Keynote Address was given by Ms. Mary Runge, President of the American Pharmaceutical Association. Mr. Albert A. Alderman (Pi) was presented the first Frank H. Eby Award. Gamma Epsilon Chapter was presented the Scholarship Tray Award.
The sixth general session was held on Friday morning. Unfinished business, the report of the Resolutions Committee along with new business were the highlights of this session. After the installation of the new officers and the closing ritual, the brothers headed home for a short break before going back to college, work or the daily routine of everyday life.
Continuing Education and Workshops:
C.E. I: Monitoring Drug Therapy in the Long-Term Care Facility
C.E. II: Merchandising Management
Workshop I: Building a Better You
Workshop II: The MASK
Grand Officer and Graduate Member-at-Large Elections
Grand Regent: Dewey Garner
Grand First Vice Regent: Patrick Wells
Grand Second Vice Regent: Joseph Miletta
Grand Third Vice Regent: Larry Slater
Grand Counselor: William Smith
Grand Historian: Leonard Naeger
Grand Ritualist: John Atkinson
Graduate Member at Large: E. Ben Welch
Biennial Scholarship Lunch Highlights
Frank H. Eby Award: Albert Alderman (Pi)
National Scholarship Tray Award: Gamma Epsilon
Important Constitutional and By-Law changes included a reduction of the size of the Executive Committee from 17 to 8 members. The offices of Second and Third Grand Vice Regent were eliminated along with the four appointed Collegiate and Graduate positions. The Chairman of the Advisory Committee, the Editor of The Mask, and the Assistant Executive Secretary were removed as members of the Executive Committee. The offices of Grand Historian and Grand Ritualist were combined into the new office of Grand Historian-Ritualist. A new elected office, Collegiate Member-at-Large, was established. The Collegiate dues were increased to $2.75/month ($22.00/year) with $4.00 to be deposited into the Grand Council Convention Fund and the remainder to support the General Fund. The initiation fee was increased to $35.00.
1. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the 39th Grand Council Convention extend a note of sincere appreciation to Brother Jerry Shapazian, the members of the Program Committee, Gamma Nu, and the Pacific Graduate Chapter for their work in organizing this Grand Council Convention. PASSED
2. BE IT RESOLVED THAT; the 39th Grand Council Convention expresses its sincere appreciation to Mr. Robert Henry, Mrs. Mary Munson Runge, The Honorable William C. Jenkins, Dr. Patrick Catania, Dr. Robert Supernaw, Mr. Irv Rubin, and Mr. Ted Gladson for their participation in the 39th Grand Council Convention. PASSED
3. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity acknowledge the efforts of the staff of the Camelback Inn in Scottsdale, Arizona for maintaining the services necessary for a successful 39th Grand Council Convention. PASSED
4. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the 39th Grand Council Convention expresses sincere appreciation to our Grand Regent, Mr. William A. Fitzpatrick, and his Executive Committee for their conscientious and dedicated service to our Fraternity during the past three years. PASSED
5. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: a personal communication from the Grand Regent be sent to all Past Grand Regents not in attendance at the 39th Grand Council Convention, expressing the Brothers' regrets for their absence, and requesting their continued interest in, and contribution to, future Fraternity endeavors. PASSED
6. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: this 39th Grand Council Convention express sincere appreciation to Brother Norman Kobayashi for his continued successful efforts in improving the quality and value of The MASK as the official organ of Kappa Psi. PASSED
7. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the Convention Planning Committee look at more generalized Continuing Education Programs to hold the Brothers' interest.PASSED
8. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: future Grand Council Conventions be held during the academic year, rather than during the summer. FAILED
9. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the next Grand Council Convention have an hour to be allotted prior to the legislative sessions for Province Caucuses. PASSED
10. WHEREAS, Resolution 9 of the 38th Grand Council Convention was not followed at the 39th Grand Council Convention; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the Executive Committee at the next Grand Council Convention follow the resolutions adopted at all previous Grand Council Conventions. PASSED
11. WHEREAS, Kappa Psi is a dues paying Member-in-Association of the International Pharmaceutical Students' Federation (IPSF), and, WHEREAS: Kappa Psi has not been active with IPSF for several years, except in name only; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the Executive Committee of Kappa Psi appoint a working Liaison Secretary to the International Pharmaceutical Students' Federation; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: Kappa Psi explore ways for both Collegiate and Graduate Chapters to become active and support IPSF; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: if, in two years, Kappa Psi has shown no support for IPSF, that it be voted upon by the Grand Council to withdraw membership in IPSF. PASSED
12. WHEREAS, Graduate Members play an integral role in the development of Kappa Psi, and, WHEREAS, in recent years, Kappa Psi has been losing valuable contacts with these Graduate Brothers: THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the Executive Committee study the recommendations of the Graduate Development Committee and explore ways to implement these recommendations. PASSED
13. WHEREAS, Kappa Psi needs to maintain a professional image at American Pharmaceutical Association (APhA), National Association of Retail Druggists (NARD), and American Society of Hospital Pharmacists (ASHP) Mid-Year Clinical meetings; and WHEREAS, the cost of the annual receptions at these national meetings should be reviewed; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the annual displays be maintained to keep our professional image: and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: the Executive Committee explore alternate means of providing activities for Brothers at these meetings. PASSED
14. WHEREAS, Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity is looking for ways to reduce costs and increase productivity,; and WHEREAS: the cocktail receptions at the American Pharmaceutical Association (APhA) and National Association of Retail Druggists (NARD) conventions are not absolutely necessary; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Executive Committee be directed to discontinue these receptions effective immediately, and to consider replacing them with the traditional Kappa Psi Breakfast previously utilized, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: these breakfast affairs be self-sustaining. FAILED
15. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the Grand Regent obtain from the Grand Officers and Standing Committees a job description and list of the duties to be performed by their respective offices; and, that this information be published in a supplement to the Handbook no later than May 1, 1980. PASSED
16. WHEREAS, The Collegiate Delegates to the Executive Committee has no official responsibilities: THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the Collegiate and Graduate Delegates explore the ways they can best serve the Collegiate Chapters, the Executive Committee, and Kappa Psi; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: the Collegiate and Graduate Delegates submit a formal job description to be considered. PASSED
17. WHEREAS, the list of candidates for National Office is published after many Collegiate Chapters of Kappa Psi have recessed for the summer; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the Executive Committee of Kappa Psi explore ways to inform the Graduate and Collegiate membership of nominations for National Office at least one month before the end of Spring session at their respective schools. PASSED
18. WHEREAS, the Brothers of Kappa Psi support a national service project, and BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the Executive Committee look into the feasibility of this project and report their findings to each chapter on or before January, 1980. PASSED
19. WHEREAS, an updated list of alumni brothers addresses is necessary to facilitate graduate development; and, WHEREAS, graduate development is necessary for future financial stability; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the official pledge project for Kappa Psi pledges during the 1979-1980 school year be an update of the chapter's alumni address list which will then be forwarded to The Central Office. PASSED
20. WHEREAS, Dewey D. Garner has done an outstanding job with the Century Club: THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: he receive the sincere thanks and appreciation of the brothers present. PASSED
21. WHEREAS, the interest in the history of Kappa Psi has been stimulated by Brother Naeger's fine presentation at the 39th Grand Council Convention; and WHEREAS, several brothers from various chapters have expressed an interest in searching out this information; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: Brothers, under the direction of the Grand Historian, submit their research to the Grand Historian by the 40th Grand Council Convention; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: a new edition of The History of Kappa Psi be published by the 41st Grand Council Convention if finances permit. PASSED
22. WHEREAS, due to the discriminatory criteria required of a Collegiate Member-at-Large against students enrolled in a three year program; and, WHEREAS, this would eliminate representation from these chapters; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: By-Law VII, Section 4 be reconsidered. PASSED.
A motion to amend By-Law to require one year of undergraduate eligibility was passed (a motion to accept the amended By-Law was passed).
23. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: all By-Law and Constitutional revisions and amendments proposed by the Reference Committee on Legislation at Grand Council Conventions be presented in a logical, coherent manner to the delegates at least 24 hours prior to the time a vote will be called for on the revisions and amendments, and that voting is carried out in the same logical manner. PASSED
24. WHEREAS, Collegians play an integral role in the development and support of Kappa Psi, and WHEREAS, the Collegiate Delegates to the Executive Committee are the only official voting members for the Collegiate Chapters, and WHEREAS, the Collegiate Delegates would like to have input from all Collegiate Chapters, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the Grand Regent form a Collegiate Advisory Committee to assist the Collegiate Delegates in their duties; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: the Collegiate Advisory Committee be chaired by the Collegiate Delegates; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: the Collegiate Advisory Committee be composed of the Committee Chairmen and one Collegiate member from each Province, and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: the members of the Collegiate Advisory Committee be elected at a regularly scheduled Province meeting; or, as directed by the Collegiate Chapters of the Province. FAILED
25. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: a second Century Club be formed, initially consisting of members pledging $100.00/year for the next five years, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: 75% of the money go into an Endowment Fund and the remaining 25% be used to support the general operations of the Fraternity, and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: the interest from the Endowment Fund also be used for general operation expenditures. PASSED
Convention Favor
Commemorative Pewter Plate
The brothers of Kappa Psi wish to extend a special thanks to the following companies for their support of the Grand Council Convention:
Bergen-Brunswig Corporation, McNeil Laboratories, Ciba Corporation, Pacific Graduate Chapter, Cooper Laboratories, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, Eli Lilly Company, Phillips Roxanne Laboratories, E. R. Squibb, Parke-Davis, Inc., Gamma Nu Chapter, Paylesss Drug Stores, Hoffmann-La Roche, Inc., Riker Laboratories, Longs Drug Stores, Schering Laboratories, Lionstone Distilleries, Smith Kline & French, Merck, Sharpe & Dohme, Syntex Laboratories
Convention Trivia or Notable Facts:
This was the first GCC attended by our female brothers.
This was one of the few or the only GCC where the number of graduates in attendance outnumbered the collegiates.
Program of Events
Sunday, August 5th
9:00am Exec. Committee Meeting
11:00am Registration - Zuppke Room
7:30pm "Get-Acquainted" Poolside Party & Intro of Candidates
10:00pm Hospitality Room
Monday, August 6th
8:00am Registration
8:00am First General Session
Noon Lunch
1:00pm Second General Session
1:30pm Robert Henry - "Building a Better You"
6:00pm Western Steak BBQ - Pinnacles Peak
Tuesday, August 7th
8:00am Registration
8:00am Third General Session
12:15pm Lunch
2:00pm CE Session I
7:30pm Century Club Reception & Dinner
10:00pm Hospitality Room
Wednesday, August 8th
7:00am Golf Tournament
8:00am Tennis Tournament
8:00am Grand Canyon Tour (optional)
6:00pm Evening Free
7:30pm Mummy Mountain Western BBQ
Thursday, August 9th
8:00am CE Session II
10:00am Fourth General Session
Noon Lunch
1:00pm Fifth General Session
6:30pm Centennial Anniversary Dinner/Dance
Program of Events for Spouses and Children
Sunday, August 5th
7:30pm Ernest & Julio Gallo Wine Tasting Party
Monday, August 6th
9:00am Breakfast
1:00pm Indian Intrigue Tour
6:00pm Pinnacles Peak BBQ
Tuesday, August 7th
3:00pm Spanish Savor Tour
Wednesday, August 8th
7:00am Grand Canyon Tour (optional)
7:00am Golf Tournament (optional)
8:00am Tennis Tournament (optional)
7:30pm Mummy Mountain Western BBQ (optional)
Thursday, August 9th
10:00am Shopper's Shuttle
6:30pm Centennial Anniversary Banquet