38th GCC
38th Grand Council Convention
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Sunday-Wednesday, July 4-7, 1976
Convention Chairman: Mr. John Atkinson
Hosted By: Eta, Beta Omega, Philadelphia Graduate
Host Hotel: Holiday Inn Penn Center
Attendance: Total Attendance: 240
217 Brothers (151 Collegiates & 66 Graduates), 23 Guests
Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity met at the Holiday Inn-Penn Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for the 38th Grand Council Convention from July 4th through 7th, hosted by Eta, Beta Omega, and the Philadelphia Graduate Chapter. The convention was attended by over 240 collegiate and graduate brothers, many of whom came early and stayed late to enjoy the historical sites.
Convention Committees and Officials:
Credential: Leonard Naeger
Parliamentarian: Jerome Delaney
Resolutions: Dewey Garner
Nominations Committee: Dr. Louis Fischer
Registration Committee: Mr. John Viercinski, Mr. Bob Carol
Convention Summary:
The 38th Grand Council Convention was held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at the Holiday Inn-Penn Center. The convention, scheduled to coincide with the bicentennial celebration (July 4-7.1976), attracted over 240 collegiate and graduate members. Grand Regent William A. Fitzpatrick presided over the convention hosted by Eta, Beta Omega, and Philadelphia Graduate Chapter with First Grand Vice Regent John Atkinson, Jr. serving as convention chairman.
Workshops were conducted on such issues as women in Kappa Psi under Title IX, development of a meaningful pledge program, and initiation of a Chapter Achievement Award. Special guests included Dr. John Bergen, President of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science, Dr. Joseph McEvella, Dean of the Temple University College of Pharmacy, and Dr. Frank Eby, Past Grand Regent and Past Grand Secretary-Treasurer. Constitutional changes were implemented to bring the Fraternity into compliance with Title IX regulations.
The festivities surrounding the bicentennial were a fantastic beginning with a midnight fireworks show at Valley Forge and later above the city on Saturday night, July 3rd; the ceremony at Carpenter’s Hall on Sunday Morning, July 4th with President Gerald Ford presiding; and a six hour celebration parade (in the rain). Other social events included an evening of baseball with the Phillies and the 97th Anniversary Banquet and Dance held after the closing ceremony on July 7th. During the banquet Epsilon Chapter at the University of Minnesota was awarded the National Scholarship Tray Award. Many brothers came early and stayed late to visit the displays and historical sites which were opened for the bicentennial celebration.
Grand Officer and Graduate Member-at-Large Elections
Grand Regent: William A. Fitzpatrick
First Grand Vice Regent: Dewey D. Garner
Second Grand Vice Regent: Patrick R. Wells
Third Grand Vice Regent: Joseph F. Miletta
Grand Counselor: Jerome P. Delaney
Grand Historian: Leonard L. Naeger
Grand Ritualist: Larry L. Slater
Graduate Member-at-Large: William R. Smith
Biennial Scholarship Lunch Highlights:
National Scholarship Tray Award: Epsilon
Constitutional and By-Law changes were implemented to bring the Fraternity into compliance with Title IX.
1. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: this 38th Grand Council Assembled extend a note of sincere appreciation to Brother John Atkinson and his program committee; Wayne Marquardt, Dominic Solimando and Mrs. John Atkinson, Jr., and to the host chapters; Beta Omega, Eta, and the Philadelphia Graduate Chapter, their Regents, Brothers John Viercinski, Bob Carol and David Novitsky; and to all others who participated in the arrangements for this convention. PASSED
2. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity acknowledge the efforts of Mr. Paul Carolan, Director of Sales, and Mr. William Axness, Banquet Director, and their staff associated with the Holiday Inn Penn Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for maintaining the services necessary for a successful 38th Grand Council Convention. PASSED
3. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: this 38th Grand Council Convention express sincere appreciation to our Grand Regent, William A. Fitzpatrick, and his Executive Committee for their conscientious and dedicated service to our Fraternity during the past two years. PASSED
4. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: a personal communication from the Grand Regent be sent to all Past Grand Regents not in attendance at the 38th Grand Council Convention expressing the Brothers' regrets for their absence and requesting their continued interest and contribution to future Fraternity endeavors.PASSED
5. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: at all future Grand Council Conventions the individual's name, chapter affiliation and school be inscribed on the official registration badge. PASSED
6. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: this 38th Grand Council Convention assembled express sincere appreciation to Brother Norman Kobayshi for his most successful efforts in improving the quality and value of The MASK as the official organ of Kappa Psi. PASSED
7. WHEREAS, the pharmacist is the most knowledgeable member of the medical team in relation to drugs, their uses, indications, contraindications, dosage and administration, and WHEREAS, the pharmacist should be the sole source of medicine for the patients, and WHEREAS, the practice of physician dispensing of manufacturers' samples removes the pharmacist from the patient as a source of medicine, and WHEREAS, the concept of a Complimentary Prescription whereby the patient has a prescription filled by a pharmacist at no cost to the patient and whereby the pharmacist is paid his normal and customary fee for the prescription by a third party, places the pharmacist in the position of being the source of medication, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity endorse the concept of Complimentary Prescriptions calling for an initial or starting quantity of a medication in lieu of the practice of physicians' dispensing of samples, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: the complimentary Prescription Service of Phoenix, Arizona, the APhA, NARD, ACA and similar organizations be advised of this action. PASSED
8. WHEREAS, recent decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States and personal comments made by Chief Justice Warren E. Burger, are detrimental to the integrity and professional stature of the Nation's pharmacists, and WHEREAS, Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, the Nation's Largest Professional Pharmaceutical Fraternity, should be the leader in responding to these offensive attacks, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: an informative letter of disapproval be drafted and sent to Chief Justice Warren E. Burger. PASSED
9. BE IT RESOLVED THAT, all candidates for National office address the delegates attending the Grand Council prior to election, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: presentations by candidates not exceed five minutes, followed by questions from the delegates. PASSED
10. WHEREAS, Gamma Chapter has become inactive with the closing of the Columbia college of Pharmacy, and WHEREAS, Omega Chapter has become inactive because of their inability to recruit new members due to a physical reconstruction of the Rutger's University School of Pharmacy, and WHEREAS, Province II has been reduced to the four active undergraduate chapters of Pennsylvania, THEREFORE: BE IT RESOLVED THAT: a committee shall be appointed by the Grand Regent to investigate and report on the feasibility of the revision of the entire province structure, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: a final report be submitted not later than six months following approval of this resolution by the 38th Grand Council. PASSED
11. WHEREAS, Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity's 100th Anniversary Grand Council Convention in 1979 should be held in an atmosphere which is both productive and socially attractive to the largest number of Kappa Psi Brothers, and WHEREAS, the Scottsdale-Phoenix area has a casual, relaxed resort atmosphere, where organized activities such as golf, tennis, barbecues, etc., are possible at the convention, and WHEREAS, hotel accommodations in the Scottsdale-Phoenix area of Arizona can be guaranteed to Kappa Psi for 1979 at rates lower than have been experienced in the past, THEREFORE: BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the 38th Grand Council Convention assembled recommend to the Executive Committee that the 39th Grand Council Convention be held in the Scottsdale-Phoenix area. PASSED
12. WHEREAS, The Central Office has in the past allocated $100.00 to the host chapter for the Kappa Psi exhibit at the APhA Convention, and WHEREAS, from experience, this is totally inadequate, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the Executive Committee be directed to look into the possibility of increasing the allocation. PASSED
13. WHEREAS, there exists a need because of Title IX for communication among professional pharmaceutical fraternities, THEREFORE: BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the Executive Committee be directed to take the initiative and establish a joint committee of the professional fraternities to deal with Title IX compliance on a unified front. PASSED
14. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the Executive Secretary shall include in his report to the 39th Grand Council Convention action taken on each resolution approved at the 38th Grand Council Convention. PASSED
Convention Favor
Commemorative Pewter Plate
Program of Events
Sunday, July 4th
10:00am Registration
7:00pm Exec. Committee Meeting
7:00pm Reception
9:45pm 38th GCC Opening Ritual
Monday, July 5th
8:00am Registration
8:30am First General Session
Noon Lunch
1:15pm Second General Session
Free Evening Beta Omega Open House
Tuesday, July 6th
8:00am Registration
8:30am Third General Session
Noon Women's luncheon
Noon Luncheon of Past Grand Regents & Exec. Committee
1:30pm Fourth General Session
3:00pm Dean's Look at Pharmacy's Future - Panel Discussion
Free Evening Phillies vs Dodges baseball game
Eta Open House
Wednesday, July 7th
8:00am Registration
8:30pm Fifth General Session
Noon Exec. Committee Luncheon
1:00pm Bus Tour - Valley Forge State Park
6:00pm 97th Anniversary Banquet