17th GCC

17th Grand Council Convention

Portland, Maine
Friday-Saturday, August 17-18, 1928

Host Hotel: Hotel Eastland

Attendance: Total Attendance: 90

90 Brothers
54 Chapters

Report of the Grand Registrar

Convention Summary

On August 17-18, 1928, the Grand Council Convention of Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, seventeenth since the founding of the Fraternity, convened in the Hotel Eastland, Portland, Maine. Grand Regent W. Bruce Philip presided, and, as recorded in the 1928 issue of The Mask, Grand Vice Regent Florin J. Amrhein, Grand Registrar and Editor A. Richard Bliss, Jr. and more than ninety delegates and proxies, representing fifty-four chapters, were present. However, it should be stated, as a matter of record, that a number of the delegates who were registered as representing certain graduate chapters, actually were from chapters that had been organized by and consisted largely or entirely of medical alumni. Most of these chapters never became active pharmacy graduate chapters after the division of Kappa Psi Fraternity.

During the several business sessions of the convention, many adjustments were made in the Constitution. Some sections were clarified and many were dropped or amended in order to bring it into line with the needs of a pharmaceutical fraternity. Several of the important changes approved by the delegates were: (1) the requirement that the annual financial report of the national treasurer be examined and approved by a certified public accountant; (2) the delegates agreed upon a method of financing the railroad fares of collegiate delegates to the Grand Council Convention which would require prorating the total cost among all chapters; (3) the office of Grand Registrar and Editor was abolished and the duties incorporated with those of the Grand Secretary-Treasurer; (4) unanimous approval was given to the motion which stated that Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity disapproved and forbade any horseplay which might possibly result in pain or bodily injury, prove a personal indignity, or to be otherwise detrimental to the candidate or degrading to the pledge; (5) the office of Grand Ritualist was created.

Grand Officers Elected

 Grand Regent: W. Bruce Philip

Grand Vice Regent: Florin J. Amrhein

Grand Secretary-Treasurer: A. Richard Bliss, Jr.

Grand Historian: Leasure K. Darbaker

Grand Ritualist: Ferdinand D. Stoll



21st GCC


16th GCC