14th GCC

14th Grand Council Convention

Atlanta, Georgia
Monday-Wednesday, November 13-15, 1916

Hosted By: Rho (medicine)

Host Hotel: Hotel Winecoff

Attendance: Total Attendance: 104

104 Brothers

Convention Summary

The 14th Grand Council Convention was held at the Hotel Winecoff, Atlanta, Georgia, on November 13-15,1916. One-hundred four delegates and other members attended. Host chapters were Rho and the Atlanta Graduate Chapter. During the five sessions, a great variety of fraternity matters were presented and discussed. Passage of the following more significant ones was accomplished: (1) the use of alcoholic beverages at Kappa Psi functions is to be prohibited; (2) the scheduling of future Grand Council Conventions will be during the Christmas holidays, to begin after Christmas day and to conclude prior to the end of the holidays; (3) the L.G. Balfour Company was designated the new official jeweler; (4) an official coat-of-arms was adopted; (5) the Constitution was amended to permit each Graduate chapter to be represented by two delegates (rather than one) at each Grand Council Convention; (6) an annual award, the Kappa Psi Key, was approved and is to be given to the Kappa Psi man who is the top honor man in his class at graduation; (7) approval was given to the organization of nearby chapters into provinces and these provinces, when formed, are urged to study methods for improving the scholarship of chapters; (8) a fine of $10.00 was established as the penalty for each absence of each delegate from a Grand Council business session, except in case of illness.

Grand Officers Elected

 Grand Regent: Justin F. Grant

Grand Vice Regent: E. Newcomer

Grand Secretary-Treasurer: Preston W. Eldridge, Jr.

Grand Historian-Editor: A. Richard Bliss, Jr.

Grand Registrar: W. Bruce Philip

Note: Grand Vice Regent E. Newcomer died in office on March 11, 1917, and following his death, the office of Grand Vice Regent was vacant until the 15th GCC.


The favor given to attendees of the assembly


15th GCC


13th GCC