14th GCC
14th Grand Council Convention
Atlanta, Georgia
Monday-Wednesday, November 13-15, 1916
Hosted By: Rho (medicine)
Host Hotel: Hotel Winecoff
Attendance: Total Attendance: 104
104 Brothers
Convention Summary
The 14th Grand Council Convention was held at the Hotel Winecoff, Atlanta, Georgia, on November 13-15,1916. One-hundred four delegates and other members attended. Host chapters were Rho and the Atlanta Graduate Chapter. During the five sessions, a great variety of fraternity matters were presented and discussed. Passage of the following more significant ones was accomplished: (1) the use of alcoholic beverages at Kappa Psi functions is to be prohibited; (2) the scheduling of future Grand Council Conventions will be during the Christmas holidays, to begin after Christmas day and to conclude prior to the end of the holidays; (3) the L.G. Balfour Company was designated the new official jeweler; (4) an official coat-of-arms was adopted; (5) the Constitution was amended to permit each Graduate chapter to be represented by two delegates (rather than one) at each Grand Council Convention; (6) an annual award, the Kappa Psi Key, was approved and is to be given to the Kappa Psi man who is the top honor man in his class at graduation; (7) approval was given to the organization of nearby chapters into provinces and these provinces, when formed, are urged to study methods for improving the scholarship of chapters; (8) a fine of $10.00 was established as the penalty for each absence of each delegate from a Grand Council business session, except in case of illness.
Grand Officers Elected
Grand Regent: Justin F. Grant
Grand Vice Regent: E. Newcomer
Grand Secretary-Treasurer: Preston W. Eldridge, Jr.
Grand Historian-Editor: A. Richard Bliss, Jr.
Grand Registrar: W. Bruce Philip
Note: Grand Vice Regent E. Newcomer died in office on March 11, 1917, and following his death, the office of Grand Vice Regent was vacant until the 15th GCC.