36th GCC
36th Grand Council Convention
New Orleans, Louisiana
Sunday-Thursday, August 13-17, 1972
Convention Chairman: Dr. August Danti
Host Hotel: Hilton Inn Airport
Attendance: Total Attendance: 105
105 Brothers
43 Chapters (31 Collegiate & 12 Graduate), 9 Provinces
There were 105 registered delegates (31 collegiate chapters, 12 graduate chapters and 9 provinces). Proxies were given to represent an additional 14 collegiate chapters, 8 graduate chapters and 1 province. The convention was postponed following the death of our Executive Secretary, Dr. Gerald C. Henney, from 1971 for financial reasons. It was held at the Hilton Inn (in Kenner, LA, across from the airport). This was the first Grand Council Convention since Kappa Psi was re-organized in 1925 in which a travel reimbursement was not available for collegiate delegates. All sessions were presided over by Grand Regent August G. Danti.
Convention Summary
The first general session was called to order by Grand Regent Dr. August G. Danti. The opening ritual was conducted and a number of Grand Officer reports were given. Mr. Irving Rubin, Editor of Pharmacy Times, delivered the Keynote Address on the topic, "As I See It", a personal perspective of pharmacy practice in the decade to come. He also displayed the new Commerative Pharmacy Stamp for the very first time before a national pharmacy group. Grand Historian James Seymour presented a "Supplement" to The History of Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity (1966-1972).
The second general session continued after lunch with Grand Officer reports. After the break, the candidates for national office were introduced. The first workshop, conducted by members of the Executive Committee, "Kappa Psi - A Self Analysis" followed the introductions. The third general session began at 7:30 that night. A discussion of needed Constitutional changes and proposed changes was conducted between the delegates and the Executive Committee.
The fourth general session on Tuesday morning was highlighted with the keynote address given by Dr. Raymond A. Gosslin, President of the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, entitled "Pharmacy and the Technician in National Health Care". Following this was a panel discussion concerned with Professional Areas in Pharmacy. The areas included; Retail: Robert Fisher, Clinical: Dewey Garner, Industrial: John Atkinson & Norman Kobayashi, and Education: Bruce Martin .
The fifth general session started with a panel discussion "Chapter Service Projects" with Epsilon, Mu, Beta Epsilon, Gamma Xi, Delta Theta, and Mu Omicron Pi serving as panel members. Election of National Officers concluded this session. That evening, the 93rd Anniversary Banquet took place at the hotel. During the banquet, Honorary Membership was bestowed on Irving Rubin in recognition of his outstanding leadership to the profession.
Grand Officers Elected
Grand Regent: Norman Campbell
Grand Vice Regent: Benjamin Hershenson
Grand Second Vice Regent: John Atkinson.
Grand Third Vice Regent: William Fitzpatrick
Grand Counselor: Jerome Delaney
Grand Historian: James Seymour
Grand Ritualist: Patrick Wells
Graduate Member-at-Large: Larry Slater
Honorary Membership was bestowed on Irving Rubin in recognition of his outstanding leadership to the profession.
Two sessions were devoted to numerous proposals for updating the fraternity's Constitution and By-laws (both lasting into the wee hours of the mornings). Two approved proposals altered the distribution of the Mask. The first provided for distribution of The Mask to collegiate brothers as part of their per capita dues only while a brother is an undergraduate. This changed the previous policy which supplied The Mask for five years from the date of initiation. The second change established a three dollar ($3.00) annual subscription rate for all alumni initiated after January 1, 1941.
1. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: this 37th Grand Council Conventions assembled extend a note of sincere appreciation to Brother William A. Fitzpatrick and his program committee, Brothers Naeger and Ingram, and to the host chapter Gamma Theta, their regent Brother Hartman and Brother Slater and to all others who participated in the arrangements for this convention. PASSED
2. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity acknowledge the efforts of Mr. Bosworth and his staff associated with the Continental Hotel in Kansas City, Missouri for trying to maintain the services necessary for a successful 37th Grand Council Convention. PASSED
3. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: this 37th Grand Council Convention express sincere appreciation to our Grand Regent, Norman A. Campbell, and his Executive Committee for their conscientious and dedicated service to our Fraternity during the past two years. PASSED
4. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: a personal communication from the Grand Regent be sent to all Past Grand Regents not in attendance at the 37th Grand Council Convention expressing the Brothers' regrets for their absence and requesting their continued interest and contribution to future fraternity endeavors.PASSED
5. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the public relations committee of Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity and each Province Satrap report a schedule of their major events to appropriate pharmaceutical journals. PASSED
6. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the Grand Council Deputy of each chapter submit a written summary of the chapter's activities at least twice during the academic year to the Province Supervisor, and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, these reports be submitted to the Executive Secretary for permanent file. PASSED
7. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the 37th Grand Council Convention lend support to Gamma Xi in the area of helping Iota Chapter, which is having membership difficulty. PASSED
8. WHEREAS, the membership of Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity is desirous of maintaining a position of fiscal solvency, and WHEREAS, a positive step in this direction would be the establishment of an acceptable accounting system, and WHEREAS, the proper means of attaining this accounting system would necessitate contracting with an outside accounting agency, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Executive Secretary be empowered to initiate such procedures as to insure fiscal reporting to the Grand Council. PASSED
9. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: Kappa Psi encourage each state to adopt mandatory continuing education as a requirement for relicensure. PASSED
10. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the birthplace of our nation be the setting for the 38th Grand Council Convention in the year of our Nation's 200th Anniversary, 1976, to be hosted by Beta Omega, Eta, and the Philadelphia Graduate Chapter. PASSED
11. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: henceforth and forever there will be allowed no consumption of alcoholic beverages during any of the sessions of Grand Council in convention assembled. PASSED
12. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the 37th Grand Council direct the Executive Committee to discuss and adopt and enforce minimum standards regarding electioneering for national office in Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, at future Grand Council Conventions the election of national officers occur no earlier that the afternoon of the third full day of official convention sessions. PASSED
13. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the Executive Secretary shall include in his report to the 38th Grand Council Convention and to all future Grand Council Conventions, action taken on each Resolution approved at preceding Grand Council Conventions. PASSED
Convention Favor(s)
Pewter Key Holder
Approximately 1.5" diameter
Convention Trivia or Notable Facts
One of the few GCC's where some of the delegates had more votes than they had fingers. A suggestion was made to give everyone a ping pong paddle to hold up, indicating the number of votes cast.
Convention Notes
Hilton Inn Airport Hotel is actually in the suburb of Kenner, Louisiana.