1st GCC

1st Grand Council Convention

New York City, New York
Saturday, March 31, 1900

Hosted By: Gamma

Convention Summary

The first national body which served to govern the members of Kappa Psi Fraternity was the Grand Chapter known as Alpha Chapter. This national body had its first meeting or convention in New York City in 1900 (Although we found in the files of A. Richard Bliss, Jr. and Theta Kappa Psi Medical Fraternity that Alpha Chapter met annually between 1896 and 1900 at Thanksgiving, no other information to verify these statements is available in the fraternity's archives). This first meeting was called at the direction of Alpha Chapter, the alumni organization of the early preparatory school members. This first convention also featured a dinner, which became an important convention tradition.

The early alumni members, especially F. Harvey Smith and Preston W. Eldridge, Jr., supplied the leadership and assumed the responsibility which resulted in the organization of the Grand Chapter. While the Grand Chapter was also known as Alpha Chapter, the original Alpha Chapter alumni group maintained its identity for several years. Eventually this group ceased to function.

Attendance at the first several meetings of the Grand Chapter was small but the members were enthusiastic about their new Fraternity. Social activities always occupied an important place on the convention program, however, the business of organizing and operating a successful fraternity was not neglected and many important decisions were made that would have an important influence on the future of the Fraternity.

Grand Officers Elected

 Grand Regent: Franklin Harvey Smith

Grand Vice Regent: Preston W. Eldridge, Jr.

Grand Secretary-Treasurer: Lewis Oakley

Grand Historian: Lewis Oakley


2nd GCC