Horatio C. Wood, Jr.

Horatio C. Wood, Jr. (Eta)

(acting) Grand Regent: 1943-1946

Horatio C. Wood, Jr. was a prominent member of the medical profession and a distinguished author. His loyalty to Eta Chapter and his services to the national organization for many years were outstanding. During the illness of Grand Regent O’Connell, he served as acting Grand Regent and directed the activities of the Fraternity during the late years of World War II. When Grand Regent O’Connell resigned in 1946, Brother Wood declined the office of Grand Regent, although he continued to serve the Fraternity faithfully until his death.

In 1937, Brother Wood was elected Second Grand Vice Regent and retained this office until the Philadelphia Grand Council Convention in 1941 when he was elected First Grand Vice Regent. In 1944, a serious illness forced Grand Regent C. L. O'Connell to retire. Brother Wood became the acting Grand Regent and served in this office until October 17, 1946. Shortly after this, he was appointed to the Executive Committee and was an active member of this committee until his resignation. The membership of Brother Wood dates back to the days when Kappa Psi Fraternity included both medical and pharmacy students. In 1924 when the two groups agreed to a friendly separation, Brother Wood decided to remain with the group and maintained an active, continuous affiliation. For many years, he was closely associated with Eta Chapter of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science where, as a member of the faculty of America's oldest college of pharmacy, many students profited by his wise leadership and friendly advice. Although he had a busy life as a physician, author, and educator, his sincere loyalty to Kappa Psi never diminished. His great interest in the Fraternity and its welfare was demonstrated by his energetic leadership during the trying war days when he was acting Grand Regent.


Frank H. Eby


C. Leonard O’Connell